Page 8 - Jan_Feb_2023_Newsletter
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On behalf of Professional Education Committee, it is my distinct pleasure to share with you the highlights of 62nd
     NCPS Annual Conference, Updates in Psychiatric Care: From Traditional to Contemporary and Novel Thera-
     peutics , in March 2023 (from March 17 though March 19) in the beautiful city of Santa Rosa, CA at Flamingo Resort.

     The conference offers broad range of relevant topics and expert faculty speakers with 14 hours of CME , without
     spending a whole weekend.

     We’ll start Friday afternoon with a group walk in nature and a compassion talk, led by Drs. Glezer and Bhatia. Af-
     ter dinner break we’ll reunite for desert and movie session with Dr. Ravi Chandra, to dive into a thought provoking
     discussion on megalomania in the American psyche.

     Our main plenary sessions will start on Saturday, which is packed with rich and engaging topics presented by es-
     teemed faculty. Topics and speakers include updates on antipsychotics by Dr. Hu, an overview of Adult ADHD, by
     Dr. Zhou, management of eating disorders by Dr. Downey and a Keynote Session on Gun violence and Psychiatry
     by expert faculty, Dr. Amy Barnhosrt.

     Saturday afternoon after lunch break, we will cover topics of novel therapeutics in a panel format, led by Drs. Trisha
     Suppes, William Wolfe and Nolan Williams, with updates on psychedelics and neuromodulation in the manage-
     ment of psychiatric disorders. The panel is followed by dream interviewing an interpretations led by Drs. Shana
     Levy and Tara Collins. We’ll wrap up plenary session with a panel by Dr. Blaustein and his team who will discuss
     Golden Gate Bridge suicide, the final chapter.

     In addition to lunch break, there will be several short breaks throughout the day for coffee, light snacks and visits
     with exhibitors & sponsors so we can enjoy learning about new opportunities and products related to psychiatric
     care. And Saturday night will be incomplete without residents’  focused informal social/networking event!

     Sunday plenary is short, with morning only sessions, and a whole afternoon available for other activities or to explore
     Santa Rosa, Sonoma and Napa Valley on our own. We will start Sunday morning, with exciting panel by future
     leaders of psychiatry, our RFMs, Drs. Huang, Jenvay and LaPier. This panel will be followed by important
     legislative updates presented by Mr. Paul Yoder from CSAP. We will conclude our morning with a rich discussion
     focused on psychotherapy, led by Drs. Swoiskin, Johnson and Huang!

     We are excited and look forward to welcoming you in Santa Rosa, CA in March 2023!

     Thank you!

     Farah Zaidi, MD
     Chair Professional Education Committee-NCPS

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