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Continued from page 2    expand access to care” via SB 1375 (bill to increase the number of NPs allowed to perform abortions
      without physician supervision) were advanced. The bill was signed into law in September 2022 with a plan for imple-
      mentation in January 2023. This is in addition to AB 890, which was signed into law in 2020, and went into full ef-
      fect on January 1, 2023!

      The current and projected psychiatrists and other physician workforce shortage is real. However, to address these
      shortages, active and safe solutions are warranted such as expansion of collaborative care models, project ECHO,
      tele-health, increasing residency training programs and training slots for psychiatry and other medical specialties
      etc. Instead, what we see time and again, are the proposals for short cuts and unsafe care with majority of impact on
      marginalized and underserved patients. After expansion of NPs’ unsupervised practices in various specialties, there
      is an ongoing effort to expand the scope of practice for psychologists with unsafe prescribing, risking health and
      safety of our patients.

      APA at national level and CSAP (California State Association of Psychiatrists) at State level are closely monitoring
      these challenges & opportunities and are actively advocating for matters important to us and our patients. Our ac-
      tive engagement in these efforts makes remarkable difference and is needed more than ever.

      We will bring these important topics and discussions live during NCPS Annual Conference in March (17-19) 2023.
      Our diverse faculty speakers will cover updates in traditional, contemporary and novel therapeutics, ADHD, eating
      disorders, physician wellness, psychotherapy, suicide, legislative updates and horrific impacts of gun violence. I
      started new year with a new resolution and with hopes for peace and safety. But sadly, just within 1st month of 2023 we
      have more than 4 mass shootings in our State alone! In the face of many challenges and these grim tragedies which have
      unfortunately become a painful reality of our lives, it is our sense of community, support for each other, hope for
      safe future and collective resilience which turns our vulnerabilities into our strengths.

      I conclude this message by expressing my gratitude towards Dr. Randall Solomon and Joe Mallet for their generous
      hospitality towards NCPS family by hosting NCPS holiday party in December 2022! It was a warm and joyous gath-
      ering which we needed to connect with our friends & colleagues in person as we celebrated holiday season and said
      farewell to 2022. Some of these moments are captured in photos and are shared in next pages of this newsletter.

      As always, I invite you to share your voice, thoughts, ideas via many platforms offered by NCPS. You can share your
      input by writing for this newsletter, by joining one of the NCPS committees, council and educational/networking

      Till next time,


      Farah Zaidi, MD
      President NCPS

         NORTHERN CALIFORNIA PSYCHIATRIC SOCIETY                   Page 3                         January / February 2023
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