Page 5 - Jan_Feb_2023_Newsletter
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Table of Contents

       President’s Message ~ Farah Zaidi, MD                                                                  2

       New Executive Director—Stephen Gamboa                                                                  4

       In this Issue ~ Peter Forster, MD                                                                      5

       Welcome New NCPS Members                                                                               6

       Cover Photo Spotlight ~ Randall Van Ornam, PESC                                                        6

       It’s Time To Celebrate - Members Spotlight                                                             7

       Events and Happenings around NCPS                                                                      8-10

       Hitchhikers Guide to the New Psychedelic Paradigm: What Every Psychiatrist Needs to Know               11-19

       - Psychopharmacology of Psychedelics: What Every Psychiatrist Needs to Tell Their Patients on SSRIs    11

       - Great Expectations: How do we know if psychedelics work?                                             14

       - The Role of Kappa Opioid Receptors (KORS) in Mediating Transdiagnostic Symptoms                      16

       Adventures with Adversity -  Michael McGee, MD                                                         19-23

       News and Notes for APA District Branches/State Associations | February 2023                            24-25

       Musings: Thoughts from the Chair - Raymond Reyes, MD                                                   26

       Residency News - San Mateo                                                                             27-28

       Pop-In Power Hour Information                                                                          29

       Upcoming Meetings and Events                                                                           31

      In this Issue
      Peter Forster, MD ~ Editor

      I am extremely pleased to welcome Alison McInnes as guest editor of a special edition of
      the newsletter devoted to one of the most controversial, and perhaps hopeful, research
      findings of the past decade: the role of psychedelic agents in the treatment of psychiatric
      conditions. The last time psychiatry wrestled with these issues was 50 years ago. Psyche-
      delic agents were hailed by some for their potential to transform mental health treatment
      and society at large. But some people's enthusiasm clearly exceeded our knowledge of po-
      tential risks. I recall learning of one case of  a patient who became manic and then psychot-
      ic and committed suicide after taking a psychedelic agent with the encouragement of the
      patient's mental health professional early in my career. These agents are now reemerging in a new context. There is
      more of a focus on science. And yet, there are clearly "early adopters" who are skirting the boundaries of the law. The
      series of articles in this newsletter are some of the best summaries of a complex literature that I have seen. I encour-
      age you to read them carefully. I am also pleased to welcome articles in two of our ongoing series. An article about
      the trepidation that some of us feel about expressing ourselves publicly by Raymond Reyes (Musings) and an article
      by Michael McGee about barriers to caring for our personal vulnerabilities.

         NORTHERN CALIFORNIA PSYCHIATRIC SOCIETY                   Page 5                         January / February 2023
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