Federal News & Issues

Wed July 01, 2015

For Information Contact:
Glenn O'Neal, 703-907-8640
Erin Connors, 703-907-8562

ARLINGTON, Va., July 1, 2015 — Several new specialty care programs are improving the mental health of people with schizophrenia through comprehensive and aggressive treatment in the earliest stages of illness. These efforts are described in a special section in the July issue of Psychiatric Services.

Schizophrenia is a serious mental illness affecting roughly 1 percent of people at some point in their lives. The U.S. has lagged behind other counties in developing early intervention treatment programs for people with schizophrenia.


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Author: mbourdase - Published: Jul 1, 2015

Tue June 30, 2015

For Information Contact:
Glenn O'Neal, 703-907-8640
Erin Connors, 703-907-8562

ARLINGTON, Va., June  30, 2015 — The American Psychiatric Foundation (APF) has produced two new resources to help faith leaders better understand mental illness and treatment, and better help individuals and families in their congregations facing mental health challenges. APA now offers a 20-page booklet, “Mental Health: a Guide for Faith Leaders,” and a companion two-page “Quick Reference on Mental Health for Faith Leaders.”...

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Author: mbourdase - Published: Jul 1, 2015

Fri June 26, 2015

For Information Contact:
Glenn O'Neal, 703-907-8640
Erin Connors, 703-907-8562

ARLINGTON, Va., June 26, 2015 — The American Psychiatric Association (APA) applauds today’s U.S. Supreme Court ruling that supports the right of same-sex couples across the nation to marry.

“Today’s ruling strikes a blow to inequality and discrimination throughout the nation, and that’s good for Americans’ mental health,” said APA President Renée Binder, M.D. “The APA has a long history of supporting the rights of same-sex couples, and we have long noted that there is no scientific or medical reason to deny these couples the right to marry. This decision is a landmark step in ensuring equality and happiness for...

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Author: mbourdase - Published: Jun 26, 2015

Thu June 25, 2015

For Information Contact:
Glenn O'Neal, 703-907-8640
Erin Connors, 703-907-8562

ARLINGTON, Va., June 25, 2015 — Today the U.S. Supreme Court upheld tax-credit subsidies for people who purchased health insurance through exchanges run by the federal government. Approximately 6.4 million people in 34 states received subsidies provided by this provision of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

The American Psychiatric Association (APA) releases the following statement from APA President Renée Binder, M.D., in response to today’s decision in King v. Burwell:

"We are pleased that the Supreme Court upheld subsidies for more than 6 million people,” Binder said. “Today’s decision means these Americans...

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Author: mbourdase - Published: Jun 25, 2015

Wed June 10, 2015

For Information Contact:
Glenn O'Neal, 703-907-8640
Erin Connors, 703-907-8562

CHICAGO, June 10, 2015 — Patrice Harris, M.D., a psychiatrist and past member of the American Psychiatric Association (APA) Board of Trustees, was voted into office as Chair-Elect of the American Medical Association (AMA) Board of Trustees earlier today.

The Board of Trustees is an elected body of 21 physicians who guide the AMA as it sets standards and policy for the medical profession. “I am thrilled that Dr. Harris will serve as Chair-Elect on the AMA Board,” said APA President Renee Binder, M.D. “The APA Board of Trustees is looking forward to working with her as both groups strive to improve and advance the...

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Author: mbourdase - Published: Jun 11, 2015



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