Amy Barnhorst

Amy Barnhorst

Dr. Barnhorst is an emergency and inpatient psychiatrist whose work doing violence and suicide risk assessments led to her interest in firearm injury prevention. She is a Professor of Psychiatry and Emergency Medicine at the University of California, Davis, the Vice Chair for Clinical Services in the Department of Psychiatry, and the Associate Director of the California Firearm Violence Research Center. She’s a nationally recognized expert on firearms laws and mental illness, and her academic work focuses in on the interface between firearms, violence, suicide and mental illness. Drawing on her previous experience as an outdoor educator, Dr. Barnhorst is active in medical education, and leads the BulletPoints Project, funded by the State of California to develop and disseminate a firearm injury prevention curriculum to healthcare providers. She also works with both state and federal legislators to craft evidence-based firearm laws. She presents nationally on these topics and writes about them for the New York Times and Slate.


To advance the quality and effectiveness of psychiatric care through advocacy, professional education and camaraderie.



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   (415) 239-2533
   77 Van Ness, Suite 101, #2022
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