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Author: mbourdase - Published: Nov 5, 2021

Washington, D.C., Nov. 3, 2021 — As November marks Alzheimer’s Awareness Month, a new review in the American Journal of Psychiatry examines the current state of research on Alzheimer’s disease and potential future directions. Central to the authors’ argument is the unconventional idea that the presence of amyloid and tau are merely biomarkers of the disease, and that treatments focused on them may not improve patient outcomes.  

Alzheimer’s disease is a neuropsychiatric disorder affecting more than six million Americans. One in three seniors dies with Alzheimer’s or another dementia according to the Alzheimer’s Association. In “Amyloid and Tau in Alzheimer’s Disease: Biomarkers or Molecular Targets for Therapy? Are We Shooting the Messenger?” the authors, led by Anand Kumar, M.D., M.H.A., review the clinical and...

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Author: mbourdase - Published: Nov 4, 2021

Today the American Psychiatric Association joined “Sound the Alarm for Kids” as a national partner committed to helping raise awareness about the mental health emergency affecting children and adolescents.

“In this pandemic, children and adolescents are faced with many factors detrimental to their mental health. For most, this has meant the isolation of not being in school every day with their peers, and for some, this has meant the loss of family members,” said APA President Vivian Pender, M.D. “With the mental health system already stretched thin, we are joining this important effort to call attention to the national emergency around children’s mental health and urging policymakers to act.”


  • Before the pandemic, 1 in 5 children – anyone under age...
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Author: mbourdase - Published: Nov 2, 2021

Washington, D.C., Oct. 29, 2021 – Although currently available treatments can be effective at improving patients' quality of life and mitigating the burden of symptoms of mental disorders, finding the right treatment for an individual can be a long and fraught process. A recently released book from APA Publishing, “Precision Psychiatry,” presents a new path forward for connecting patients with the exact treatments they need, sooner, through emerging advances in the field.

Precision psychiatry, as defined by the book, involves integrating findings from basic and clinical neuroscience, clinical practice, and population-level data. Researchers then seek to develop treatment approaches tailored for...

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Author: mbourdase - Published: Oct 29, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C., Oct. 21, 2021 – With a National Mental Health Emergency declared for our nation's children in light of the pandemic, American Psychiatric Association Publishing has released the third edition of Dulcan's Textbook of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, a foundational resource for clinicians in the field. Edited by Mina K. Dulcan, M.D., the new edition includes the most up-to-date research and clinical advances, including expanded chapters on telehealth and working with primary care and subspecialty pediatrics in mental health treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Each chapter has been updated and 12 chapters are entirely new. The textbook offers two completely new chapters on pediatric consultation-liaison psychiatry, addressing its history, clinical practice models, consultation strategies and...

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Author: mbourdase - Published: Oct 21, 2021



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