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News and Notes for APA District Branches/State Associations
                                                   February 2023

      Want to keep up with APA in between newsletters?
      Connect with us on Facebook, Twitter,
      (@APAPsychiatric), Instagram and
      LinkedIn for the latest news and updates.

      What’s New at the APA

      Inflation and recession were identified as the top anxiety-inducing current events by those polled in the latest
      Healthy Minds Monthly poll from APA and Morning Consult. Four out of five Americans polled identified infla-
      tion as a source of anxiety, while three out of four Americans polled since June said that fears of a recession were a
      source of anxiety.  Other issues that rated as anxiety-inducing in polling this year were the Russian invasion of
      Ukraine, climate change, the future of reproductive rights and the midterm elections. You can read more and see the
      full poll results here.

      Visit APA’s Newsroom for the latest news releases, statements, blogs, monthly public opinion poll results, and other

      APA Communications Monthly Themes: February 2023
      APA’s office of Corporate Communications and Public Affairs (CCPA) has developed monthly themes that serve as
      conceptual anchors for APA communications efforts each month. February 2023 will focus on multiple topics, in-
      cluding Relationships and Black History Month. Visit APA’s social channels to participate in the conversation each

      Animated Explainer Videos on Common Disorders
      APA has developed a series of animated explainer videos on commonly searched mental disorders and other condi-
      tions related to mental health. The videos cover topics including OCD, Depression, Anxiety, ADHD, and Climate
      Change, among others. You can see all of the videos in English here, and in Spanish here. Be sure to subscribe to
      APA’s YouTube Channel as new videos on other topics and disorders are added on a regular basis.

      Briefs for Your Newsletter

      February Course of the Month – Eating Disorders: A Clinical Update
      Eating disorders are serious psychiatric conditions associated with significant medical and psychiatric morbidity and
      high mortality rates. This course reviews some of the current issues relevant to identifying and treating eating disor-
      ders including Anorexia Nervosa and ARFID, emerging data about the importance of recognizing Atypical Anorexia
      Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa and BED, and the pharmacotherapy that has demonstrated efficacy for these conditions.
      Click here to access the Course of the Month and sign up for updates about this free member benefit.

      Secure Your Spot at the 2023 Annual Meeting
      Join us at the 2023 Annual Meeting, in San Francisco, May 20-24 to connect with world-renowned experts and pro-
      fessionals in psychiatry while enjoying the rich opportunities that the “Golden Gate City” has to offer! Learn More
      and Register Today!

                                                                                                      Continued on page 25

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